Sunday, August 17, 2008

Going Under

I do not know how to swim.

However, the few times that I have ended with my head under water are brilliant enough to make me want to do it again. So for people like me there is either the kiddie pool or the bath tub. I choose the bath tub (preferring not to undergo more public humiliation than is necessary in life)

The moment you cross the boundary of one fluid to the other the world seems to completely change. All the sounds you hear when your head is above water are all suddenly drowned out. All you hear is your heart pumping blood to the brain. In case you leave only your nose above the water you can hear the rush of air to your lungs and back out. A complete sense of emptiness and peace. A few times in China I even thought I heard someone playing piano softly, quite likely a halucination brought on by the serenity.

This though, is completely contrary to when one was a kid. You used to splash about in your own private little pool, enacting some great sea battle using the soap/shampoo bottles and whatever else floats as submarines, frigates and battleships.

Two opposites. Both superb in their own way.


The less said about those crazy people competing in the swimming pool the better. Phelps is not human. That should be enough.

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