Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I missed out on an opportunity to change my outlook to life. Benny Hinn was in town over the weekend. He was performing his miracles and all. He had this wonderful effect on the masses even before he arrived. Just made some of them decide lets burn a few vehicles, pelt the odd commuter. Man, i tell you, we should have gone to Yelahanka to see the show.......problably would have seen him flying around like an angel. Or we probably could have had an inquistion type scene.......

Other options,of course were to go see "Ay"....a tamil movie.....the director must have scored 800 in his verbal GRE i think. He conveys somuch through the use of just 1 syllable.........future art film directorme thinks. Him and the one who directed "Engal Anna" by some chance this be a documentary on one we know?

Some of the things i have seen in me journeys (on better way to put it)accross this city:

1. This dude is walking his dogs. Nothing special about that. Only theybe wearing Boot colour sweaters.....Hell, the moron himself walking abtin a t-shirt.....some ppl have there brains in there gonads......oratleast of equivalent size.
2. There be a road here called Sankey Road.At one point, at a bus stop, it be written in big bold letters "SankyRoad". What me is to think of that...........
3. Poster on a post at abus stop: Wanted\n\t\tMale or Female\n\n\t\tContact:XYZ.........
4. The LCA.......some already know this.....but it be a sight i tell you

this is one insane city is all i can say

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